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Viking Saga Series Part 4 – Vanir and Vanaheim with Liz
Saturday 20th April 2024
11:30am PST 
With the popularity of TV series like “The Vikings” interest in the history of the Vikings has never been stronger. But how do we know how these people lived and what they believed? Along with a huge amount of archaeological evidence we also have over 100 Viking age sagas, although most weren’t written down until the 12th or 13th century. The most famous were recorded in the Poetic and Prose Edda, written by Snorri Sturluson. They are all a mixture of fact and fiction and have gone on to influence the work of authors such as JRR Tolkien and JK Rowling.
In this series of lessons Liz will take you through the world of the Vikings, according to these sagas. Who were the Vikings and what did they believe in? What were the 9 worlds of the Vikings and how did the gods and goddesses affect these worlds? Liz will answer these questions, and more, and show examples of how the archaeological record backs up these sagas.
Very few people know that there are at least 2 pantheons of Norse Pagan gods and goddesses, so who were Vanir? Sagas tell us of a war between the Vanir and Aesir so how did some of the Vanir become Aesir and how do the elves fit in?
Herbs and Imbolc with Sharon
Saturday 20th April 2024
2pm PST 
We'll discuss what imbolc is and what herbs work well for this Sabbat. We'll also discuss Brigid and which herbs are sacred to her.
Quimbanda Intermediary Pt1 with Raphael Kakazu
Sunday 21st April 2024
11:30am PST 
Potions, powers and baths are also a craft within quimbanda. This class we are going to learn how to make some of this to increase the connection with exu and pombagira.
Become a Conduit for Channeling Light with Rev. Deb. Bishop
Sunday 21st April 2024
2pm PST 
 Energy work is all about becoming a conduit of higher frequency and vibration. When you canact as a conduit and bring through pure energy in the form of light, you become capable of not only healing touch, but also broadcasting frequencies that can purify what you eat, clear and clean where you live, and regenerate your own physical being. This is a guided hands on – so to speak – session so come prepared to generate some energy!
The Great Mother Goddesses with Debra
Monday 22nd April 2024
6pm PST 
The concept of the Great Mother Goddess who either gives birth to the earth and all life on it, or who is the earth itself, crosses many cultures and religions. We'll take a look at a sampling of these ultimate expressions of the Divine Feminine, and consider their common threads as well as their differences. We'll also explore how to see her in the world around us, and how to honor her.
Poppets with Patti Negri
Tuesday 23rd April 2024
6pm PST 
In folk magic and witchcraft, a poppet is a doll made to represent a person, for casting spells on that person or to aid that person through magic. A poppet is one of the staples of sympathetic magick, and has long been used to represent someone for whom the magic or intent is being directed. This can include a loved one or even yourself. Despite their reputation (mostly due to the way Hollywood has portrayed them in film and television for decades), these intentions cover a wide range of beneficial purposes from healing, love, luck, and prosperity, to the necessary protections of binding, banishing, and neutralizing. Although this work is an ancient tradition, it’s also extremely relevant, so we will look at how to create and use a poppet in spell work, healing, binding rituals and more.
Vampires through the ages with Father Sebastiaan
Wednesday 24th April 2024
6pm PST 
Vampires in mythology, literature, and fiction can often shape-change into a bat, wolf, or mist. In reality, like the therions, some Vampyres are practitioners of the art of shapeshifting or simply “shifting,” with the wolf being the most common and favored form for practitioners of Lycanthropy. The etymology of Lycanthropy hails from the Greek words lykos (wolf) and anthropos (man), and in mythology is the shape shifting of a man into the form of a wolf. As a magickal practice, shifting and lycanthropy has many roots in legends and esoteric traditions, from myths of Slavs, Greek, and Norse tribes to coverage in Renaissance and Medieval literature. For example, some spells exist in Russian folklore with the "zagovori," and shamanistic skin-walkers of Native American lore.

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