Black Veils: Witch’s with Father Sebastiaan & Joy
Join us Wednesday October 9th @ 7pm PST / 10pm EST for Black Veils: Witch’s with Father Sebastiaan & Joy
A “Vampyre Witch” is a powerful archetype of the feminine embracing of the Vampyre Current and the Black Veils. This form of Witchery is not inspired by the witch of Halloween with broomsticks, black cats, and cauldrons, but is a philosophy of feminine empowerment. The Vampyre Witch archetype is for anyone who wishes to identify with the expression of the feminine frequency within the Vampyre Current, regardless of gender identity. She sits upon the Throne of the Dragon Goddess Within as a serpent of Draconian inspiration. She scoffs at the cultural limitations placed on women, and uses seduction, charm, clever-ness, beauty, sensuality, intellect, alternative thinking, reason, knowledge, and glamour as elements in her life.
A “Vampyre Witch” is a powerful archetype of the feminine embracing of the Vampyre Current and the Black Veils. This form of Witchery is not inspired by the witch of Halloween with broomsticks, black cats, and cauldrons, but is a philosophy of feminine empowerment. The Vampyre Witch archetype is for anyone who wishes to identify with the expression of the feminine frequency within the Vampyre Current, regardless of gender identity. She sits upon the Throne of the Dragon Goddess Within as a serpent of Draconian inspiration. She scoffs at the cultural limitations placed on women, and uses seduction, charm, clever-ness, beauty, sensuality, intellect, alternative thinking, reason, knowledge, and glamour as elements in her life.
200 learners
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1 hours
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1 hours
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Recordings sent if you are unable or do not wish to attend in person
Father Sebastiaan
(Fang Smith & Impresario)
I have been in the Vampyre Culture for over three decades and see the traditions of the Black Veils as an empowering path of personal growth. Here is my research on the Vampyric Path explained through my book Black Veils presented for you in a simple and direct format. XEPHER! ZHEPR