Building Your Money Relationship: PT4 Money, Media, Politics and Fairytales!
with Rev. Deb. Bishop
Join us Sunday April 30th @ 2pm PST / 5pm EST for Building Your Money Relationship: PT4 Money, Media, Politics and Fairytales! with Rev. Deb. Bishop!
The Topic for today's Session will be: Money, Media, Politics and Fairytales! How any and all of this actually affects, imprints and otherwise plays a role in our relationship to money.-
356 learners
Enrolled -
1 .5 hours
Video duration -
Recording available if you are unable or do not wish to attend in person

Rev. Deb Bishop
I am Rev. Deborah Bishop, an energetic practitioner, who came onto the planet as a sensitive, which later developed into my becoming a natural Psychic, Medium, Channeler and Hands -On Practitioner. I have spent a lifetime learning, honing, and working my craft. I Am a non-denominational ministry and have my doctorate in divinity. I have been vetted by the American Federation of Certified Psychics and Mediums, have been counted among the best in my field and even have had a Documentary on the Discovery channel include me as their subject of study when it came to channeling and running energy.
I’ve had my own private practice for over 25 years. During this time, I have also taught workshops and spoken on the topics of Creating Reality and Transformation as well as varied Spiritual Practices. I was also given a divine download from which developed a program entitled Whole Wealth Breakthrough. Whole because one must be emotionally whole to have what they truly desire in this life, and Wealth, defined by complete personal and professional freedom. I have personally mentored and guided experts, entrepreneurs, and practitioners of all kinds, to develop a healthy relationship to successful business and cash flow! I’ve assisted many practitioners in developing successful private practices.
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