Divination with The Gentleman Psychic
Join us Friday November 10th @ 6pm PST / 9pm EST for Divination with The Gentleman Psychic
Whether tarot cards, dowsing rods, a pendulum, ouija board... or the simple dance of a candle flame - divination is the art or practice of foreseeing future events or discovering hidden knowledge by the aid of spirit, magick or supernatural powers. Patti will teach you fun, simple techniques that will help add clarity and confidence to your divination and help open and deepen your awareness and your sight.
Whether tarot cards, dowsing rods, a pendulum, ouija board... or the simple dance of a candle flame - divination is the art or practice of foreseeing future events or discovering hidden knowledge by the aid of spirit, magick or supernatural powers. Patti will teach you fun, simple techniques that will help add clarity and confidence to your divination and help open and deepen your awareness and your sight.
356 learners
Enrolled -
1.5 hours
Video duration -
Recording available
Recording provided if you are unable or do not wish to attend the live class

Richard-Lael Lillard
Richard-Lael Lillard - The Gentleman Psychic has been seen on Ghost Adventures, Jubilee Media and more. He has been clairvoyant since his youth. It is a rich tradition within his family going back generations. He has traveled across the United States and Europe on a mystic tour, learning, teaching and growing. He believes that together we can build a brighter future. Let's create a better tomorrow by understanding the past and the present.
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