Hekate’s lore and myths with Raphael Kakazu
Join us Monday July 1st @ 6pm PST / 9pm EST for Hekate’s lore and myths with Raphael Kakazu
This class we will learn about hekate’s lore. We are going to talk about her cult in the ancient times, from Thessaly to Greece and the changes she had according to cultures who embrace her. The focus is going to be her relationship with Artemis and the crescent moon.
This class we will learn about hekate’s lore. We are going to talk about her cult in the ancient times, from Thessaly to Greece and the changes she had according to cultures who embrace her. The focus is going to be her relationship with Artemis and the crescent moon.
356 learners
Enrolled -
1 hours
Video duration
Raphael Kakazu
Coming Soon