Home Town Monsters with Shetan
Join us Wednesday Feb 22nd @ 3:00pm PST / 6:00pm EST for Home Town Monsters with Shetan!
A look at towns and cities that celebrate thier local monsters legends
A look at towns and cities that celebrate thier local monsters legends
200 learners
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1.5 hours
Video duration -
1.5 Hours
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Shetan Noir
Shetan Noir is the current owner of Squatch GQ magazine llc and also Michigan based Author and paranormal travel Journalist.
Shetan has been a contributing writer in the past to Supernatural magazine.
She also teaches courses on the paranormal history of the great lakes and cryptozoology of North America at Owens community college and Kellogg community College.
Shetan has written several books on cryptozoology and is working on more upcoming book projects. Her current book is The marvelous misadventures of teagun gray (Teagun gray meets bigfoot)
Shetan has also written
Mothman and other flying creatures of the midwest.
In 2018, she wrote Lake monsters and odd creatures of the great lakes.
She is the active managing head writer and owner of
*Squatch GQ magazine, *Squatch Digest magazine, *Backwoods magazine (Crytozoology)
*Into the LiminalAbyssparanormalmagazine(Paranormal, ufology, high strangeness),
*Dinosauria and prehistoric creatures magazine,
*Weird travels magazine.
Shetan has been a contributing writer in the past to Supernatural magazine.
She specializes in paranormal travel destinations and legend trip investigations.
Shetan Noir is also a cryptozoology researcher and has spent 25 years researching the Paranormal and Cryptozoology fields. Her fascination began with lake monsters at an early age when she first learned about the Loch Ness monster, then hearing reports of lake monsters in her own state of Michigan. Her research has since grown to include Michigan's own Dogman and Nain Rouge, Bigfoot and ghost hunting.
Shetan Noir is currently the lead investigator for the Michigan chapter of the North American Dogman Project, and also runs the paranormal investigation team of Michigan center for unexplained events and phenomenon.
She is available to do book signings for her three current books,
(1) Lake monsters and odd of the great lakes.
(2) Mothman and flying creatures of the midwest.
(3) The marvelous misadventures of Teagun Gray, Teagun vs. BIGFOOT.
Shetan noir has been on many expeditions for cryptozoology in Michigan, Pennsylvania Minnesota, Ohio, Vermont, New York.
Shetan has also done paranormal investigations at Randolph county insane asylum, Detroits 6th precinct, Graestone Manor, Historic Hoover house, Gettysburg.
Shetan has been a featured guest on podcasts like
222 paranormal,
the Uncomfortable podcast, the BUMP podcast
grand rapids ghost hunters podcast
Cryptids of the corn podcast
Monsters and mysteries podcast
The she-squatchers podcast
Shetan noir had done presentations at
Michigan Paranormal Convention #miparacon
Mid-Michigan paracon
Butler county paranormal convention
Michigan bigfoot conference
Milwaukee paracon
Houghton paracon
Beast of bray road conference
Menomonee bigfoot conference
Bigfoot and brews- Dewey lake monster conference
Plus many more
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