Magickal Kombucha with Debra

Join us Monday Febuary 3rd @ 6pm PST / 9pm EST for Magickal Kombucha with Debra
Tired of spending $4 and up for a bottle of kombucha? You can brew it yourself for pennies! We'll cover the benefits and risks of drinking kombucha, and what you need to get started. We'll also cover the entire process of starting a batch of kombucha, and how to keep it brewing perpetually. Unlike store-bought kombucha, yours will be infused with magickal intention. We'll also discuss how to set magical intention for fermenting and consuming your magickal kombucha. Kombucha is a living magickal miracle! Yes, it's alive!
  • 356 learners

  • 1.5 hours

    Video duration
    • Recording available

      Recording provided if you are unable or do not wish to addend the live class

    Debra DeAngelo

    Debra DeAngelo is a garden-variety Pagan, with many eclectic spiritual interests and magical pursuits, particularly the endless study and practice of tarot. Following a long career in print journalism as a managing editor and award-winning, syndicated opinion columnist, she now dedicates her professional time to her massage practice and writing books. She also writes occasional freelance feature stories and book reviews for SageWoman and Witches & Pagans magazines, and blogs on whatever catches her fancy. She is a graduate of the University of California at Davis, with a Bachelor's degree in Psychology, and lives in northern California.
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