Old Gods for the New Age Part 4 (Final Part) with Nicole

Join us Sunday November 26th @ 10am PST / 1pm EST for Old Gods for the New Age Part 4 (Final Part) with Nicole
Theurgy is the art of working and communicating with deities. There are a lot of ways to do it, and it’s easier than you’ve been led to believe. In this course, we will meet the deities of the Greek pantheon and discuss modern, practical ways we can work with and honor them in our spiritual practice. We will learn to read and feel their energy along with methods to call them in and communicate with them. We will also discuss the topic of problematic deities and how mythology can be reconciled in order to better understand these celestial beings.
In Part 4, the final part of this class, we discuss daemons and planetary energies and learn how to make a planetary talisman. Please bring a shallow dish of water, an incense stick, paper and pen, and a taper or spell candle.
  • 356 learners

  • 1.5 hours

    Video duration
    • Recording Provided

      Recording provided if you do not wish or cannot attend live, and for your future viewing.





    Nicole Marie

    Coming Soon
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