Spirit Guardians & Servitors with Raven
Join us Monday January 15th @ 6pm PST / 9pm EST for Spirit Guardians & Servitors with Raven
In this class we will talk about spirit guardians that can help us with protection and ways we can make servitors to amplify our protection.
In this class we will talk about spirit guardians that can help us with protection and ways we can make servitors to amplify our protection.
356 learners
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1 hours
Video duration -
Recording Provided
Recording of the class will be provided if you are unable or do not wish to attend live!

Raven Wolfe
Raven has had the gift of Mediumship, since she was a young child. Having been raised in a religious
home, what were spirits coming to her in her dreams, became night terrors. She would often wake up
terrified, seeing those who have crossed over, but never communicated with them.
At the age of 13, her life changed, when a classmate was murdered. The week after her death, the
young girl came to Raven. Having known her, Raven didn’t feel afraid, but rather felt the urge to
communicate with her and help the young spirit. From that moment onward, she knew she had a gift
and wanted to use it.
Raven is a channeler to those who have passed. She credits her gift from a higher power and has gone
on to help military families around the world who seek closure. She provides house blessings and
cleansings by connecting to her higher power to create peace, and gives comfort to, not just the family,
but those who have passed.
She has aided in Paranormal investigations for close to a decade and has been featured on “LA’s Most
Haunted. She is also a Pet Psychic, having the gift of connecting to animals since she was a young child,
homing in on their energy to relay messages to their families.
Raven can find where someone’s energy may be stuck, and allow the fluidity to come in. Through messages, she can provide help to people and help them on there journey to healing.
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