Taurus Magick with Storme Moroaică

Join us Sunday October 19th @ 11:30am PST / 2:30pm EST for Taurus Magick with Storme Moroaică
Fellow Tauruses join let's talk about our Sun sign and how it relates to us. Whether we are born in April or May, being a Taurus is a big part of our personality and how we live our life to the fullest. Learn about our correspondences like stones, scents, animals, day of the week, colours, and so much more to help cater to your personal power as a bull. I will also be suggesting a book and recommending two rituals from it that I have found to be a wonderful addition to my witchcraft as a Taurus.
  • 356 learners

  • 1 hours

    Video duration
    • Recording Provided

      Recording provided if unable to attend live.

    Storme Moroaica

    Storme, otherwise known as Sitre, has been studying ancient Egypt since she was a child obsessively. She has interned at a museum, featured in a documentary about the Great Wife Nefertari and runs her own Temple called Re-Kadet Temple that honours ancient Egyptian, Ancient Greek, and Ancient Roman religious practices which historically resurrects ancient Mediterranean worship.
    She currently holds an Associate degree in History from Front Range Community College and currently working on her Bachelor's Degree in Classics with Greek emphasis. She plans to continue her education in graduate studies to get her Masters and PhD in Egyptology. Strictly focusing her academic and field career on Ancient Mediterranean religions and historically reconstructing them for modern worship without all the extra fluff that has been added over the years. 
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