The Black Dame: Violente Carroz with Persephone
Join us Saturday Febuary 11th @ 9am PST / 12pm for The Black Dame: Violente Carroz with Persephone!
Also known as the bloody Countess, Violante Cortez was born in Sardinia and moved to Spain. People around Violante a rich countess seemed to die in mysterious circumstances. After the death of her children she moved back to Sardinia where her ghost is now haunting the Castle of San Michele in Quirra. Learn more about this in an hour long lesson with Persephone
Also known as the bloody Countess, Violante Cortez was born in Sardinia and moved to Spain. People around Violante a rich countess seemed to die in mysterious circumstances. After the death of her children she moved back to Sardinia where her ghost is now haunting the Castle of San Michele in Quirra. Learn more about this in an hour long lesson with Persephone
503 learners
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1 hours
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