The Dark Goddesses PT17: Medusa with Father Sebastiaan and Patti Negri

Join us Wednesday September 20th @ 7:30pm PST / 10:30pm EST for The Dark Goddesses PT17: Medusa with Father Sebastiaan and Patti Negri
Medusa is generally described as a human female with living venomous snakes in place of hair; those who gazed into her eyes would turn to stone. Most sources describe her as the daughter of Phorcys and Ceto, although the author Hyginus makes her the daughter of Gorgon and Ceto. She wasn't evil just for evil's sake but was forced by the misogynistic tendencies of pitting women against each other and the damaging experience of rape. Medusa's story is best portrayed through Ovid's Metamorphoses where she is depicted as a beautiful young woman who was the priestess of Athen!
  • 200 learners

  • 1 hours

    Video duration
  • 1 hours

    Course duration
  • Recording

    Recordings sent if you are unable or do not wish to attend in person

    Father Sebastiaan
    (Fang Smith & Impresario)

    I have been in the Vampyre Culture for over three decades and see the traditions of the Black Veils as an empowering path of personal growth.   Here is my research on the Vampyric Path explained through my book Black Veils presented for you in a simple and direct format.  XEPHER!  ZHEPR
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