The Dark Goddesses PT20: Morgan Le Fay: Fairy Witch Goddess with Patti Negri and Father Sebastiaan

Join us Wednesday October 11th @ 7:30pm PST / 10:30pm EST for The Dark Goddesses PT20: Morgan Le Fay: Fairy Witch Goddess with Patti Negri and Father Sebastiaan
Morgan Le Fay, a powerful female figure in the Arthur legends, represents control, sorcery, and manipulation. She uses underhanded, often manipulative methods to create her power. During King Arthur's reign, and in various romances and folk tales, Morgan shows up as a shape-shifter. Often linked to various supernatural female characters of Celtic mythology, Morgan is also called Morgan “le Fay” (the fairy), hinting at otherworldly origins for her character. Yet in late medieval depictions, she is more associated with evil ambition and sexual immorality
Although she is the half-sister of King Arthur and understood as his enemy, she is also a healer. However, Morgan Le Fay is generally thought to be evil and extremely dangerous.
  • 200 learners

  • 1 hours

    Video duration
  • 1 hours

    Course duration
  • Recording

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    Father Sebastiaan
    (Fang Smith & Impresario)

    I have been in the Vampyre Culture for over three decades and see the traditions of the Black Veils as an empowering path of personal growth.   Here is my research on the Vampyric Path explained through my book Black Veils presented for you in a simple and direct format.  XEPHER!  ZHEPR
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