The dii Inferi Mater Larum the mute goddess with Persephone

Join us Saturday October 14th @ 10am PST / 1pm for The dii Inferi Mater Larum the mute goddess with Persephone
Mater Larum Aldo known as Muta was a powerful lesser know goddess. Mater Larum is covered in mistery, while being mentioned very often very little is know about her functions. She is often depicted as wearing a fabric band around her head to cover her mouth. She appears often to guide people through decisions, but is her guide one to follow or one to fear? Join Persephone to discover the secrets of the Mute goddess
  • 503 learners

  • 1 hours

    Video duration
    • Recording available

      Recording provided if unable to addend live or if you do not wish to be on recording






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