The Lilith: history and myth with Raphael Kakazu
Join us Monday June 3rd @ 6pm PST / 9pm EST for The Lilith: history and myth with Raphael Kakazu
This first class we will talk about Lilith mythology and all the places she appears. For some she is a goddess, to others a powerful demon and to some a spirit who haunt children. She was called by many names and we will understand her lore through the stories we have.
This first class we will talk about Lilith mythology and all the places she appears. For some she is a goddess, to others a powerful demon and to some a spirit who haunt children. She was called by many names and we will understand her lore through the stories we have.
356 learners
Enrolled -
1 hours
Video duration -
Recording provided
Recording provided if unable or you do not wish to attend live.

Raphael Kakazu
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