The Most Terrifying and Fascinating Cases from the files of the Warren Legacy Foundation with Chris Mckinnell
Join us Saturday July 13th @ 11:30am PST / 2:30pm EST for The Most Terrifying and Fascinating Cases from the files of the Warren Legacy Foundation
-The Demon Murder Case
-The Haunting in Connecticut
-The Freed Slave Seeking Justice
-The Possession of Maurice Theriault
-The Georgetown Horror that almost killed a researcher
-The Tragic Death of José
-An “Angelic” Visitation
-The Surrey, England Phantoms
-Padre Pio, Lorraine Warren, and Parmenides
-And if time permits, even more true stories!
500+ learners
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1 hours
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Course Recording provided if you are unable or do not with to attend live

Chris McKinnell
Chris McKinnell began his life in the paranormal at the age of 16 investigating a horrifying poltergeist case with his grandfather, Ed Warren. Over the past 44 years he has investigated over 10,000 cases all around the world, from Africa and South America to Asia, the Middle East and throughout Europe. He was involved in some of the Warrens’ most famous cases, including Satan‘s Harvest (the Maurice Theriault case from The Nun), The Haunting (the Schmurl case of West Pittson, PA), and the Haunting in Connecticut, for which he was the lead investigator. He is the Director of the Warren Legacy Foundation for Paranormal Research, which he founded with his grandmother, Lorraine Warren, to help people all around the world who are being troubled by the supernatural. All of their services are free and confidential. Chris is currently living in South America and studying the different ways that the paranormal manifests in these various cultures.
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