Thoth Tarot Part 3 - Finale with Nicole

Join us Sunday Dec 10th @ 10am PST / 1pm EST for Thoth Tarot Part 3 - Finale with Nicole
“The Tarot is a pictorial representation of the forces of nature as conceived by the ancients according to a conventional symbolism. At first sight, one would suppose this arrangement to be arbitrary, but it is not. It is necessitated by the structure of the universe, and in particular of the solar system, as symbolized by the Holy Qabalah.” – Aleister Crowley
In this 3-part series, we will examine Aleister Crowley and Lady Frieda Harris' Thoth Tarot deck. We will pick apart the esoteric symbolism and learn how to use the deck not just for divination but as a tool for spiritual growth, spellcrafting, and psychic development. We will also do a side-by-side comparison of this deck and the traditional Rider-Waite tarot to better understand the differences.
It will aid your study if you have a deck of Aleister Crowley’s Thoth Tarot, preferably “the large deck.”
  • 356 learners

  • 1.5 hours

    Video duration
    • Recording Provided

      Recording provided if you do not wish or cannot attend live, and for your future viewing.





    Nicole Marie

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