War Inside Our Heads - a meditation by Yves Gore

Join us Sunday October 13th @ 11:30am PST / 2:30pm EST for War Inside Our Heads - a meditation by Yves Gore
Hate, shame and regrets with a hint of vengeance; How often do we wage countless wars in our minds from old battle wounds left agash by our own reinflictions, creating new conflicts in our personal life from this restlessness? Guided by Yves Gore, a ritualistic performance artist, this meditation is for those who seek to still their inner unrest, begin their journey of self empowerment and form healthier relationships with themselves and others around them.
  • 356 learners

  • 1 hours

    Video duration
    • Recording available

      Recording provided if you are unable or do not wish to attend the live class

    Yves Gore

    Yves Gore, who has performed participatory rituals in 15 countries from art fairs, gallery exhibitions to historical sites like the Catacombs of Paris. Working on themes like suicidal ideation, social taboos and body-identity politics, Yves performs these rituals in hopes we can all experience dependent liberation and a deeper understanding of the self which leads to a fulfilled existence. Xe has lectured at universities like USC, UCLA, Cal Poly Pomona, Dunedin School of Art and has been featured in the Los Angeles Times. Born in Borneo Island, Yves grew up in New Zealand and is based in Los Angeles.
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